Parish Nurse
Our Parish Nurse is Amanda Newbury. She is available to offer support with your health needs. This may be to talk through your health and wellbeing. It may be to support you in seeking the most appropriate care for your needs. She is also able to offer the opportunity for you to explore the spiritual aspects of your health care.
Amanda is a registered nurse with 30 years' experience. Before retiring from the NHS, she worked as a nurse prescriber at Peterborough Walk-in Centre for 18 years specialising in minor illness.
Currently she runs the following health activities:
- Home/garden/doorstep visits or appointments at the Well Café
- Help understanding medicines and medical conditions
- Blood pressure checks
- Accompanying people to hospital or doctor's appointments
- Listening ministry and prayer
- Health advice and support
- Bereavement support
For an appointment, contact Amanda as follows:
Mobile: 07458304290
What is Parish Nursing?
Parish Nursing seeks to provide whole person health care through a local church community. Based on Christ's teaching and ministry, as demonstrated in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) Parish Nurses provide support for the physical, mental, social and spiritual health of individuals and aim to improve the lives of people in the UK by ministering health and wholeness.
Registered nurses work from their churches offering individuals and communities personal health advice, advocacy support and health education. In addition they offer support groups, train and support volunteers and help people to integrate their faith and their health. Support from a Parish Nurse is available to people of all ages and backgrounds.
Parish Nursing Mission
To improve the lives of people in contact with Wellspring Community Church through whole person healthcare.
To provide a high quality parish nursing service that facilitates wholistic health and well-being for local people encompassing physical , mental, social and spiritual aspects of health.
Parish Nursing Ministries UK

Parish Nursing Ministries UK is a national charity which supports parish nurses. It offers parish nurses local opportunities to meet, arrange study days and support with making sure that professional frameworks are in place. It promotes and develops the concept of parish nursing among churches of all denominations.
All nurses are regulated by the Nursery and Midwifery Council and work under its code of practice. One aspect of this is a code of confidentiality which means anything you tell your parish nurse will be kept private, unless you are being harmed or are harming someone else. Any written information the parish nurse holds about you is kept locked away. The Parish Nurse is line managed by the Church Minister or his/her deputy.
Although your parish nurse is affiliated to the church, the details she holds for you for your care will not appear on any database or mailing list that the church may use for publicity or fund-raising without your permission. The church has a data protection policy.
Complaints and Compliments
If you have any complaints or compliments concerning the Parish Nursing service, please email Pastor Brian Henry at or call the Church Office on 01733 306401.